Dental assistants have a challenging job. Whether you work for a local cosmetic dentist in Stuart, or an oral surgeon, the responsibilities can be overwhelming. Assistants tend to a wide variety of tasks, and are relied upon by both the dental staff and patients. If you are new to the job, or feel that your skills could use some honing, here are a few things you may want to try.

First, consider your communication skills. Dental patients are often anxious or uncomfortable, and an important role of a dental assistant is to empathize and allow patients to express their concerns in a calm and constructive manner. By cultivating open relationships with the patients, you will create a safe and comfortable environment, thus increasing your own value in the work environment.

Dental assistants are also responsible for maintaining order and organization, as well as documenting services and records. Keep an eye on the work space and keep drawers and cabinets well stocked to maintain a positive and efficient work flow, and make sure to log everything immediately to avoid later confusion. Your background in dental care as well as knowledge of patients’ needs can help you improve upon your skills and make you an integral part of the dental operatory.

Lastly, be prepared for everything. A simple procedure has the potential to become something more, while every patient and dentist has his or her own requirements and style. Be flexible and ready to work on anything that may come up, so that your fellow staff members learn they can rely on you in any and all situations.

Though the job may be tiring, being a dental assistant is also quite fulfilling. You will discover and enhance your interpersonal skills by learning to deal with all sorts of people and their needs, as well as improve your organizational skills, stamina and ability to work with a team. As time goes on, you will realize what you are capable of and appreciate the self-satisfaction you gain from your work as a dental assistant.

Here at the Stuart Dental Spa we love our dental assistants, they are an integral part of our dental family!

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